最美经典英文绘本《光脚丫童谣 Barefoot Books (音频+视频+PDF) 》

最美经典英文绘本《光脚丫童谣 Barefoot Books (音频+视频+PDF) 》
  • 课程编号: HK-41438
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最美经典绘本《光脚丫童谣 Barefoot Books (音频+视频+PDF) 》
├─ Barefoot Books Lyrics.docx [71.44kB]
├─ Audio_Barefoot Books
│ ├─ A Dragon on the Doorstep (UK).mp3 [2.38MB]
│ ├─ A Dragon on the Doorstep (US).mp3 [2.39MB]
│ ├─ A Farmer's Life for Me.mp3 [4.24MB]
│ ├─ A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea.mp3 [4.41MB]
│ ├─ Creep Crawly Calypso (UK).mp3 [2.89MB]
│ ├─ Creep Crawly Calypso (US).mp3 [2.87MB]
│ ├─ Driving My Tractor (UK).mp3 [4.51MB]
│ ├─ Driving My Tractor (US).mp3 [4.53MB]
│ ├─ Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.mp3 [2.97MB]
│ ├─ If You're Happy and You Know It.mp3 [4.00MB]
│ ├─ Jack and the Beanstalk.mp3 [16.17MB]
│ ├─ Knick Knack Paddy Whack.mp3 [3.48MB]
│ ├─ Little Red Riding Hood.mp3 [14.57MB]
│ ├─ Magic Train Ride.mp3 [6.11MB]
│ ├─ Over in the Meadow.mp3 [5.42MB]
│ ├─ Portside Pirates.mp3 [4.98MB]
│ ├─ Space Song Rocket Ride.mp3 [5.13MB]
│ ├─ The Animal Boogie.mp3 [5.59MB]
│ ├─ The Farmyard Jamboree.mp3 [8.64MB]
│ ├─ The gigantic turnip.mp3 [12.48MB]
│ ├─ The Journey Home from Grandpa's.mp3 [3.69MB]
│ ├─ The little red hen.mp3 [6.93MB]
│ ├─ The prince's bedtime.mp3 [9.68MB]
│ ├─ The real princess.mp3 [20.05MB]
│ ├─ The Shape Song Swingalong.mp3 [4.40MB]
│ ├─ The tear thief.mp3 [19.70MB]
│ ├─ The three Billy Goats Gruff.mp3 [8.96MB]
│ ├─ The Wheels on the Bus.mp3 [3.54MB]
│ ├─ Up, Up, Up.mp3 [3.42MB]
│ ├─ Walking Through the Jungle.mp3 [2.86MB]
│ ├─ We All Go Traveling By.mp3 [6.17MB]
│ ├─ Whole World.mp3 [4.03MB]
├─ Book
│ ├─ A Dragon on the Doorstep.pdf [44.06MB]
│ ├─ Creep Crawly Calypso.pdf [6.78MB]
│ ├─ Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.pdf [41.26MB]
│ ├─ If You're Happy and You Know It.pdf [28.74MB]
│ ├─ Jack and the Beanstalk.pdf [7.56MB]
│ ├─ Little Red Riding Hood.pdf [6.79MB]
│ ├─ Portside Pirates!.pdf [22.50MB]
│ ├─ The Animal Boogie.pdf [31.74MB]
│ ├─ The gigantic turnip.pdf [9.46MB]
│ ├─ The Journey Home from Grandpa's.pdf [14.86MB]
│ ├─ The little red hen.pdf [7.78MB]
│ ├─ The prince's bedtime.pdf [6.11MB]
│ ├─ The real princess.pdf [8.53MB]
│ ├─ The tear thief.pdf [6.38MB]
│ ├─ The three Billy Goats Gruff.pdf [5.98MB]
│ ├─ Walking through the Jungle.pdf [115.08MB]
├─ video
│ ├─ A Dragon on the Doorstep (UK).mp4 [16.07MB]
│ ├─ A Dragon on the Doorstep (US).mp4 [16.15MB]
│ ├─ A Farmer's Life for Me.mp4 [61.71MB]
│ ├─ A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea.mp4 [75.65MB]
│ ├─ Creep Crawly Calypso (UK).mp4 [19.49MB]
│ ├─ Creep Crawly Calypso (US).mp4 [19.58MB]
│ ├─ Driving My Tractor (UK).mp4 [21.55MB]
│ ├─ Driving My Tractor (US).mp4 [67.78MB]
│ ├─ Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.mp4 [17.68MB]
│ ├─ If You're Happy and You Know It!.mp4 [21.29MB]
│ ├─ Knick Knack Paddy Whack.mp4 [73.73MB]
│ ├─ Magic Train Ride.mp4 [78.46MB]
│ ├─ Over in the Meadow.mp4 [85.53MB]
│ ├─ Port side Pirates!.mp4 [75.68MB]
│ ├─ Space Song Rocket Ride.mp4 [77.53MB]
│ ├─ The Animal Boogie.mp4 [98.94MB]
│ ├─ The Farmyard Jamboree.mp4 [132.82MB]
│ ├─ The Journey Home from Grandpa's.mp4 [34.16MB]
│ ├─ The Shape Song Swingalong.mp4 [68.81MB]
│ ├─ The Wheels on the Bus.mp4 [62.57MB]
│ ├─ Up, Up, Up!.mp4 [36.78MB]
│ ├─ Walking Through the Jungle.mp4 [45.62MB]
│ ├─ We All Go Traveling By.mp4 [79.15MB]
│ ├─ Whole World.mp4 [63.17MB]
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