
  • 课程编号: HK-22741
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杨芮 新概念第一册
├─ 001-Excuse me.mp4 [221.01MB]
├─ 002-Is this your.mp4 [199.95MB]
├─ 003-sorry Sir.mp4 [228.39MB]
├─ 004-Is this your.mp4 [192.99MB]
├─ 005-mice to meet you.mp4 [158.29MB]
├─ 006-what make is it.mp4 [140.00MB]
├─ 007-are you a teacher.mp4 [241.70MB]
├─ 008-What's your job.mp4 [152.69MB]
├─ 009-How are your today.mp4 [232.50MB]
├─ 010-look at.mp4 [149.98MB]
├─ 011-it is this your shirt.mp4 [250.07MB]
├─ 012-Whose is This----This is my.mp4 [179.97MB]
├─ 013-A new dress.mp4 [201.55MB]
├─ 014-What colour's your.mp4 [210.25MB]
├─ 015-your passports,please.mp4 [252.14MB]
├─ 016-Are you.mp4 [231.66MB]
├─ 017-How do you do.mp4 [220.53MB]
├─ 018-What are their jobs.mp4 [247.64MB]
├─ 019-Tired and thirsty.mp4 [229.65MB]
├─ 020-Look at them.mp4 [210.38MB]
├─ 021-Wich book.mp4 [223.19MB]
├─ 022-Give me---------Witch one.mp4 [190.67MB]
├─ 023-which glasses.mp4 [215.21MB]
├─ 024-Give me------Which ones.mp4 [186.59MB]
├─ 025-Mrs Smith's kitchen.mp4 [272.38MB]
├─ 026-Where is it.mp4 [186.57MB]
├─ 027-Mrs Smith's living room.mp4 [206.35MB]
├─ 028-where are they.mp4 [238.89MB]
├─ 029-come in Any.mp4 [242.30MB]
├─ 030-what must i do.mp4 [169.46MB]
├─ 031-where's sally.mp4 [252.31MB]
├─ 032-what's he she it doing.mp4 [195.68MB]
├─ 033-A fine day.mp4 [253.43MB]
├─ 034-what are they doing.mp4 [252.24MB]
├─ 035-our village.mp4 [254.70MB]
├─ 036-where.mp4 [234.66MB]
├─ 037-making a bookcase.mp4 [253.27MB]
├─ 038-what are you going to do --what are you--.mp4 [168.99MB]
├─ 039-Don't drop it.mp4 [206.99MB]
├─ 040-what are you going ti do.mp4 [163.46MB]
├─ 041-peng's bag.mp4 [185.95MB]
├─ 042-is there a--any.mp4 [127.12MB]
├─ 043-hurry up.mp4 [223.70MB]
├─ 044-are there any----is there any.mp4 [145.44MB]
├─ 045-the boos's letter.mp4 [157.72MB]
├─ 046-can you.mp4 [143.89MB]
├─ 047-a cup of coffee.mp4 [251.31MB]
├─ 048-do you like do you want.mp4 [191.19MB]
├─ 049-At the butcher's.mp4 [238.18MB]
├─ 050-He likes But he doesn't like.mp4 [173.49MB]
├─ 051-1 A pleasant climate.mp4 [166.89MB]
├─ 051-2 A pleasant climate.mp4 [236.85MB]
├─ 052-what nationlity are they.mp4 [144.99MB]
├─ 053-1 An interesting climate.mp4 [166.41MB]
├─ 053-2 An interesting climate.mp4 [248.13MB]
├─ 054-what nationality are they.mp4 [136.69MB]
├─ 055-1 the Sawyer family.mp4 [246.57MB]
├─ 055-2 the Sawyer family.mp4 [158.81MB]
├─ 056-what do they usually do.mp4 [138.04MB]
├─ 057-1 an unusual day.mp4 [202.40MB]
├─ 057-2 an unusual.mp4 [231.01MB]
├─ 058-what's the time.mp4 [134.30MB]
├─ 059-is that all.mp4 [226.97MB]
├─ 060-what's the time.mp4 [200.73MB]
├─ 061-a bad cold.mp4 [200.21MB]
├─ 062-what's the matter with them.mp4 [251.45MB]
├─ 063-thank you doctoy.mp4 [238.57MB]
├─ 064-don't you mustn's.mp4 [219.32MB]
├─ 065-not a baby.mp4 [222.25MB]
├─ 066-what's the time.mp4 [190.34MB]
├─ 067-1 the weekend.mp4 [184.35MB]
├─ 067-2 the weekend.mp4 [249.16MB]
├─ 068-what's the time.mp4 [204.69MB]
├─ 069-the car race.mp4 [241.18MB]
├─ 070-when where they there.mp4 [106.13MB]
├─ 071-1 he's awful.mp4 [125.72MB]
├─ 071-2 he's awful.mp4 [187.55MB]
├─ 072-when did you.mp4 [142.52MB]
├─ 073-the way to king Street.mp4 [212.73MB]
├─ 074-what did they do.mp4 [179.87MB]
├─ 075-uncomfortable shoes.mp4 [203.47MB]
├─ 076-when did you.mp4 [133.90MB]
├─ 077-terrible toothache.mp4 [159.42MB]
├─ 078-when did you.mp4 [149.57MB]
├─ 079-carol's shopping list.mp4 [268.49MB]
├─ 080- i must go to the.mp4 [125.90MB]
├─ 081-roast beef and potatoes.mp4 [230.35MB]
├─ 082-I had.mp4 [195.89MB]
├─ 083-1-going on holiday.mp4 [156.45MB]
├─ 083-2-going on holiday.mp4 [135.98MB]
├─ 084-have you had.mp4 [180.54MB]
├─ 085-paris in the spring.mp4 [126.21MB]
├─ 086-what have you done.mp4 [125.22MB]
├─ 087-a car crash.mp4 [185.50MB]
├─ 088--have you yet.mp4 [88.27MB]
├─ 089--for sale.mp4 [211.09MB]
├─ 090-have you yet.mp4 [122.09MB]
├─ 091-poor lan.mp4 [162.67MB]
├─ 092-when will.mp4 [89.47MB]
├─ 093-our new neighbour.mp4 [99.58MB]
├─ 094-when did you.mp4 [117.66MB]
├─ 095-tickets please.mp4 [176.53MB]
├─ 096-what's the exact time.mp4 [137.34MB]
├─ 097-a small blue case.mp4 [206.22MB]
├─ 098-whose is it.mp4 [75.96MB]
├─ 099-ow.mp4 [114.34MB]
├─ 100-he says that.mp4 [89.15MB]
├─ 101-1-a card from jimmy.mp4 [132.27MB]
├─ 101-2-a card from jimmy.mp4 [93.67MB]
├─ 102-he says he.mp4 [76.50MB]
├─ 103-the french test.mp4 [135.16MB]
├─ 104-too very enough.mp4 [78.64MB]
├─ 105-full of mistakes.mp4 [96.07MB]
├─ 106-i want you.mp4 [80.10MB]
├─ 107-1-it's too.mp4 [92.76MB]
├─ 107-2-it's too small.mp4 [69.88MB]
├─ 108-how do they compare.mp4 [92.67MB]
├─ 109-a good idea.mp4 [109.94MB]
├─ 110-how do they compare.mp4 [71.73MB]
├─ 111-the most expensive model.mp4 [109.63MB]
├─ 112-how do they compare.mp4 [87.59MB]
├─ 113-small change.mp4 [126.74MB]
├─ 114-I've got nome.mp4 [69.95MB]
├─ 115-knock knock.mp4 [114.53MB]
├─ 116-every ni any and some.mp4 [73.46MB]
├─ 117-1-tommy's breakfast.mp4 [102.19MB]
├─ 117-2-tommy's breakfast.mp4 [117.40MB]
├─ 118-what were you doing.mp4 [102.59MB]
├─ 119--1-a true story.mp4 [99.48MB]
├─ 119--2-a true story.mp4 [97.78MB]
├─ 120-it had already hap.mp4 [96.12MB]
├─ 121-1-the man in a hat.mp4 [109.92MB]
├─ 121-2-the man in a hat.mp4 [100.88MB]
├─ 122-whao(whom)which and that.mp4 [97.21MB]
├─ 123-1-a trip to Australia.mp4 [102.26MB]
├─ 123-2-a trip to Australia.mp4 [96.47MB]
├─ 124-(who whom)(which)and that.mp4 [78.12MB]
├─ 125-tea for two.mp4 [93.17MB]
├─ 126-have to and do not need to.mp4 [100.62MB]
├─ 127-1-a famous actress.mp4 [97.20MB]
├─ 127-2-a famous actress.mp4 [78.97MB]
├─ 128-he can't be.mp4 [81.49MB]
├─ 129-1-seventy mile an hour.mp4 [94.46MB]
├─ 129-2-seventy mile an hour.mp4 [93.21MB]
├─ 130-he can't have been.mp4 [70.65MB]
├─ 131-don't be si sure.mp4 [103.88MB]
├─ 132-he may be.mp4 [96.01MB]
├─ 133-sensational hew.mp4 [120.36MB]
├─ 134-he said (that)he.mp4 [88.88MB]
├─ 135-1-the latest report.mp4 [116.96MB]
├─ 135-2-the latest report.mp4 [93.79MB]
├─ 136-he said(that)he.mp4 [115.96MB]
├─ 137--1-a pleasant dream.mp4 [99.42MB]
├─ 137--2-a pleasant dream.mp4 [99.02MB]
├─ 138-if.mp4 [81.40MB]
├─ 139-1-is that you John.mp4 [97.95MB]
├─ 139-2-is that you John.mp4 [95.01MB]
├─ 140-he wants to know if.mp4 [81.39MB]
├─ 141-1-sally's first train ride.mp4 [109.95MB]
├─ 141-2-Sally's first train ride.mp4 [103.40MB]
├─ 141-3-Sally's first train ride.mp4 [146.36MB]
├─ 142-some invited sally yo a party.mp4 [97.15MB]
├─ 143-1-A walk through the woods.mp4 [125.44MB]
├─ 143-2-A walk through the woods.mp4 [106.78MB]
├─ 143-3-A walk through the woods.mp4 [103.69MB]
├─ 144-he hasn't been served yet.mp4 [83.50MB]
├─ 145-1-Review1第一阶段复习1.mp4 [198.03MB]
├─ 145-2-Review2第一阶段复习2.mp4 [140.90MB]
├─ 145-3-Review3第一阶段复习3.mp4 [181.11MB]
├─ 146-1-Review1第二阶段复习1.mp4 [77.99MB]
├─ 146-2-Review2 第二阶段复习2.mp4 [89.10MB]
├─ 146-3-Review3第二阶段复习3.mp4 [60.40MB]
├─ 146-4-Review4第二阶段复习4.mp4 [51.07MB]
├─ 147-1-Review4第四阶段复习1.mp4 [64.32MB]
├─ 147-2-Review4第四阶段复习2.mp4 [62.65MB]
├─ 147-3-Review4第四阶段复习3.mp4 [66.13MB]
├─ 147-4-Review4第四阶段复习4.mp4 [60.83MB]
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