本资源是《丽声唱学自然拼读》的音频mp3下载,共4册,第一册14 首、第二册13 首、第三册12 首、第四册13首,共52首mp3,英语发音。PS:此套资源不包含书籍和PDF,请知悉。
- 融合乡村、爵士、拉丁等多种曲风,好英语轻松唱出来!
- 52首歌曲学习26个字母及36个字母组合发音,歌曲书可点读!
- 优美歌曲配合游戏活动,磨耳朵、学拼读、练拼读一举三得!
- 可作为小学中低年级英语课或培训学校自然拼读课课外充材料!
《丽声唱学自然拼读》1-4册音频mp3全52集 目录:
《丽声唱学自然拼读第一册》共14 首歌曲,学习目标: | 《丽声唱学自然拼读第二册》共13 首歌曲,学习目标: |
26 个英文字母的字母名和字母音; | 元音字母发长音; |
5 个元音字母发短音的情况; | 字母g,j,v,w,x,y,z 的发音; |
字母s,m,h,p,b,t,n,r,d,c,f,l 的发音。 | 字母组合qu 的发音。 |
1. The Letter Parade | 1. We Are Long Vowels |
2. The Vowel Song | 2. Long “a” Jake the Ape |
3.The Letter “s” Swing, Swing Up | 3. Hard “g” Gus the Goat |
4. Short “a” Fat Cat | 4. Long “o” A Mole and a Toad |
5. “m” and Short “a” Sam the Man | 5. “qu” The Letters “qu” |
6. Short “u” Bud the Duck | 6. “j” Jelly and Jam |
7. “h” and “p” Huff and Puff | 7. “V” and “W” Val with the Vet |
8. “b” and “t” B-Bop-B and Toe-Tap-T | 8. “x”, “y” and “z”(y as a consonant) |
9. Short “e” Jen’s Pet Hen | 9. Long “e” Sweet Dream |
10. Short”o” Tom Hops | 10. Long “i” Bike Ride |
11. “n” and “r” Nell and Rob | 11. Long “u” Sue’s Flute |
12. Short “i” Jill and Bill | 12. “y” The Sometimes Vowel |
13. “d”and Hard “c” Come on Over | 13. Soft “g” George the Giant |
14. “f” and “I” The Frog and the Lad | |
《丽声唱学自然拼读第三册》共12 首歌曲,学习目标: | 《丽声唱学自然拼读第四册》共13 首歌曲,学习目标: |
字母组合ch,sh,th,wh,oo,ng,igh,oi,ay,oy,ow,ou 的发音; | 字母组合ar,or,er,ir,ur,ck,sp,st,sm,sn,sc,sk,sl,sw,bl,cl,fl,pl,br,cr,gr,tr,dr, |
字母k 和c 的发音; | pr 的发音。 |
不发音的字母h和k的练习。 | 1.“ar” I Love the Park |
1. “ch” Chew, Chew | 2.“or” Storm in Port |
2.“sh” A Wish to Share | 3. “er”, “ir” and “ur” Swirl, Twirl, Girl |
3.“th” My Thumbs | 4. “ck” Click Clack Jack |
4.“wh” Wheels and Whales | 5. “sp” and “st” Space Station |
5.“oo” Can Make Two Sounds | 6. “sm” and “sn” Smell and Sniff |
6.“ng” Sing! Sing! | 7. “sc“ and “sk” The Scampy Skunk |
7.“igh” Night Light | 8. “sl“ and “sw” A Swift Sled Ride |
8. “oi” Singing “oi” Words | 9. “bl” and “cl” Blow, Blow |
9. “ay ” and “oy” Troy and Ray | 10. “fl“ and “pl” A Flea and a Fly |
10. “ow“ & “ou” Round and Round | 11. “br” and “cr |
12. Silent “h” and “k” Knock, Knock |